We have our Sunday worship gatherings at 10 am

February 2, 2025

Unbelievable Unbelief

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: The Good News of Jesus Christ Topic: Expository Scripture: Mark 6:1–13

January 26, 2025

Lord of Life and Death

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: The Good News of Jesus Christ Topic: Expository Scripture: Mark 5:21–43

January 19, 2025

Joseph's Jigsaw Puzzle

Preacher: Sinclair Ferguson Topic: Expository Scripture: Genesis 50:15–21

January 19, 2025

Something to Boast About

Preacher: Sinclair Ferguson Topic: Expository Scripture: Romans 5:1–11

January 12, 2025

God My Refuge

Preacher: Jonathan G Topic: Expository Scripture: Psalm 73:1–28

January 5, 2025

Lord Over Darkness

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: The Good News of Jesus Christ Topic: Expository Scripture: Mark 5:1–20

December 31, 2024

Memento Mori

Preacher: Will Barkley Topic: Expository Scripture: Proverbs 14:27

December 29, 2024

Lord of the Storm

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: The Good News of Jesus Christ Topic: Expository Scripture: Mark 4:35–41

November 24, 2024

The Surprise of the Kingdom

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: The Good News of Jesus Christ Topic: Expository Scripture: Mark 4:26–34

November 17, 2024

The Secret of the Kingdom

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: The Good News of Jesus Christ Topic: Expository Scripture: Mark 4:1–25

November 10, 2024

Responses to Jesus

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: The Good News of Jesus Christ Topic: Expository Scripture: Mark 3:7–35

November 3, 2024

Lord of The Sabbath

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: The Good News of Jesus Christ Topic: Expository Scripture: Mark 2:23– 3:6

October 27, 2024

Jesus, Friend of Sinners

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: The Good News of Jesus Christ Topic: Expository Scripture: Mark 2:13–22

October 6, 2024

Who Can Forgive Sins?

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: The Good News of Jesus Christ Topic: Expository Scripture: Mark 2:1–12

September 29, 2024

You Can Make Me Clean

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: The Good News of Jesus Christ Topic: Expository Scripture: Mark 1:40–45

September 22, 2024

A New Teaching with Authority

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: The Good News of Jesus Christ Topic: Expository Scripture: Mark 1:16–39

September 15, 2024

Beloved Son, Anointed King

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: The Good News of Jesus Christ Topic: Expository Scripture: Mark 1:1–15

September 8, 2024

The Beginning of the Gospel

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: The Good News of Jesus Christ Topic: Expository Scripture: Mark 1:1

September 1, 2024

The Spirit-filled Church

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Topic: Expository Scripture: Acts 2:42–47

August 25, 2024

He Cares for You

Preacher: Brett Lewis Series: Elect Exiles Topic: Expository Scripture: 1 Peter 5:6–14

August 18, 2024

Shepherds for God's Flock

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Elect Exiles Topic: Expository Scripture: 1 Peter 5:1–5

August 11, 2024

Rejoice in Christian Suffering

Preacher: Will Barkley Series: Elect Exiles Topic: Expository Scripture: 1 Peter 4:12–19

August 4, 2024

Glorifying God as Stewards of His Grace

Preacher: Will Barkley Series: Elect Exiles Topic: Expository Scripture: 1 Peter 4:1–11

July 28, 2024

The Righteous Son Suffered for Unrighteous Ones

Preacher: Will Barkley Series: Elect Exiles Topic: Expository Scripture: 1 Peter 3:18–22

July 21, 2024

Suffering for the Sake of Righteousness

Preacher: Will Barkley Series: Elect Exiles Topic: Expository Scripture: 1 Peter 3:8–17

July 14, 2024

Honor God in Your Marriage

Preacher: J.P. Stokes Series: Elect Exiles Topic: Expository Scripture: 1 Peter 3:1–7

July 7, 2024

Saved for Suffering

Preacher: J.P. Stokes Series: Elect Exiles Topic: Expository Scripture: 1 Peter 2:18–25

June 30, 2024

The Exile Christian Life

Preacher: J.P. Stokes Series: Elect Exiles Topic: Expository Scripture: 1 Peter 2:11–17

June 23, 2024

A People for His Own Possession

Preacher: J.P. Stokes Series: Elect Exiles Topic: Expository Scripture: 1 Peter 2:1–10

June 16, 2024

Sober-minded, Hope-filled Action

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Elect Exiles Topic: Expository Scripture: 1 Peter 1:13–25

June 9, 2024

Imperishable Inheritance, Inexpressible Joy

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Elect Exiles Topic: Expository Scripture: 1 Peter 1:1–12

June 2, 2024

Pray for Knowledge

Preacher: Samuel Parkison Series: Prayers for God's People Topic: Expository Scripture: Colossians 1:3–14

May 26, 2024

To Live is Christ and to Die is Gain

Preacher: Brett Lewis Topic: Expository Scripture: Philippians 1:18b–26

May 19, 2024

Pray for Strength

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Prayers for God's People Topic: Expository Scripture: Ephesians 3:14–21

May 12, 2024

Pray for Revelation

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Prayers for God's People Topic: Expository Scripture: Ephesians 1:15–23

May 5, 2024

Day of Blessing, Day of Judgment

Preacher: Ben Zamora Series: The Glory of God's House Topic: Expository Scripture: Haggai 2:10–23

April 28, 2024

Be Strong

Preacher: Will Barkley Series: The Glory of God's House Topic: Expository Scripture: Haggai 2:1–9

April 19, 2024

The Beauty of Biblical Womanhood

Preacher: Sam Emadi Topic: Expository Scripture: 1 Timothy 2:11–15

April 14, 2024

Consider Your Ways

Preacher: J.P. Stokes Series: The Glory of God's House Topic: Expository Scripture: Haggai 1:1–15

February 11, 2024

Hate That Leads to Hell

Preacher: J.P. Stokes Series: Heart Matters: Sermons from Jesus's Sermon Topic: Expository Scripture: Matthew 5:21–26

February 4, 2024

Heart That Leads to Hell

Preacher: Ben Zamora Series: Heart Matters: Sermons from Jesus's Sermon Topic: Expository Scripture: Matthew 5:27–30

December 31, 2023

Pleasures Forevermore

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Topic: Expository Scripture: Psalm 16:1–11

December 17, 2023

All Things New

Preacher: Thomas Schreiner Topic: Expository Scripture: Revelation 21:1– 22:5

December 10, 2023

Gospel-Shaped Relationships

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Postcards from Paul: Titus and Philemon Topic: Expository Scripture: Philemon 1:1–25

December 3, 2023

Together in Christ Jesus

Preacher: Sam Marrero Topic: Expository Scripture: Philippians 2:1–11

November 26, 2023

Together in the Gospel

Preacher: David Snyder Topic: Expository Scripture: Luke 15:1–32

November 19, 2023

Devoted to Gospel Doctrine and Godliness

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Postcards from Paul: Titus and Philemon Topic: Expository Scripture: Titus 3:1–15

November 12, 2023

Trained by Gospel Doctrine for Godliness

Preacher: J.P. Stokes Series: Postcards from Paul: Titus and Philemon Topic: Expository Scripture: Titus 2:1–15

November 5, 2023

Protecting Gospel Doctrine and Godliness

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Postcards from Paul: Titus and Philemon Topic: Expository Scripture: Titus 1:5–16

October 29, 2023

Entrusted with Gospel Doctrine for Godliness

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Postcards from Paul: Titus and Philemon Topic: Expository Scripture: Titus 1:1–4

October 22, 2023

God Our Avenger

Preacher: Will Barkley Series: The Hand of God Topic: Expository Scripture: Psalm 58:1–11

October 15, 2023

God Our Satisfaction

Preacher: Samuel Parkison Series: The Hand of God Topic: Expository Scripture: Ecclesiastes 1:12– 2:26

October 8, 2023

God Our Redeemer

Preacher: Jonathan G Series: The Hand of God Topic: Expository Scripture: Psalm 44:1–26

October 1, 2023

All Glory Be to Christ!

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Hebrews: Firm to the End Topic: Expository Scripture: Hebrews 13:20–25

September 24, 2023

Acceptable Worship: In Submission

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Hebrews: Firm to the End Topic: Expository Scripture: Hebrews 13:17–19

September 17, 2023

Acceptable Worship: In Doctrine

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Hebrews: Firm to the End Topic: Expository Scripture: Hebrews 13:7–16

September 10, 2023

Acceptable Worship: In Marriage and Money

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Hebrews: Firm to the End Topic: Expository Scripture: Hebrews 13:4–6

September 3, 2023

Acceptable Worship: In Community

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Hebrews: Firm to the End Topic: Expository Scripture: Hebrews 13:1–3

August 27, 2023

Faith in the Midst of Doubt

Preacher: Sam Marrero Series: Learning to Lament: Psalms of Lament Topic: Expository Scripture: Psalm 77:1–20

August 20, 2023

Confident Prayer in the Midst of Chaos

Preacher: Ben Zamora Series: Learning to Lament: Psalms of Lament Topic: Expository Scripture: Psalm 56:1–13

August 13, 2023

Cast Your Burdens On Him

Preacher: Samuel Parkison Series: Learning to Lament: Psalms of Lament Topic: Expository Scripture: Psalm 55:1–23

August 6, 2023

I Will Yet Praise Him

Preacher: Will Barkley Series: Learning to Lament: Psalms of Lament Topic: Expository Scripture: Psalm 42:1– 43:5

July 30, 2023

Hear My Prayer, O LORD

Preacher: Ben Zamora Series: Learning to Lament: Psalms of Lament Topic: Expository Scripture: Psalm 39:1–13

July 23, 2023

Do Not Forsake Me, O LORD

Preacher: Will Barkley Series: Learning to Lament: Psalms of Lament Topic: Expository Scripture: Psalm 38:1–22

July 16, 2023

Forsaken by the LORD?

Preacher: Will Barkley Series: Learning to Lament: Psalms of Lament Topic: Expository Scripture: Psalm 22:1–31

July 9, 2023

Save Me, O My God!

Preacher: Cass O'Rear Series: Learning to Lament: Psalms of Lament Topic: Expository Scripture: Psalm 3:1–8

June 11, 2023

Acceptable Worship

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Hebrews: Firm to the End Topic: Expository Scripture: Hebrews 12:18–29

June 4, 2023

Holiness Together

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Hebrews: Firm to the End Topic: Expository Scripture: Hebrews 12:12–17

May 14, 2023

Fellow Workers for the Truth

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Topic: Expository Scripture: 3 John 1:5–8

April 23, 2023

God's Loving Fatherly Discipline

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Hebrews: Firm to the End Topic: Expository Scripture: Hebrews 12:4–11

April 16, 2023

Run the Race

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Hebrews: Firm to the End Topic: Expository Scripture: Hebrews 12:1–3

April 2, 2023

Faith that Conquers and Suffers

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Hebrews: Firm to the End Topic: Expository Scripture: Hebrews 11:32–40

March 26, 2023

Faith for Risky Obedience

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Hebrews: Firm to the End Topic: Expository Scripture: Hebrews 11:23–31

March 19, 2023

Faith to Live as Expats

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Hebrews: Firm to the End Topic: Expository Scripture: Hebrews 11:8–22

March 5, 2023

Faith That God Commends

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Hebrews: Firm to the End Topic: Expository Scripture: Hebrews 11:1–7

January 1, 2023

Let The Nations Be Glad

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Topic: Expository Scripture: Psalm 67:1–7

December 25, 2022

Promised Victory

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Christmas Promises Topic: Expository Scripture: Revelation 12:1–17

December 18, 2022

Christ Our Hope In Life And Death

Preacher: Thomas Schreiner Topic: Expository Scripture: Revelation 1:9–20

November 20, 2022

The Approachable Face of God

Preacher: Cameron Arensen Topic: Expository Scripture: Exodus 34:1–8

November 13, 2022

For Me to Live is Christ

Preacher: Cameron Arensen Topic: Expository Scripture: Philippians 1:21

November 6, 2022

Just A Little While

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Hebrews: Firm to the End Topic: Expository Scripture: Hebrews 10:32–39

October 30, 2022

The Fate of Non-Attenders

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Hebrews: Firm to the End Topic: Expository Scripture: Hebrews 10:26–31

October 23, 2022

Let Us . . .

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Hebrews: Firm to the End Topic: Expository Scripture: Hebrews 10:19–25

October 16, 2022

The Better Offering

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Hebrews: Firm to the End Topic: Expository Scripture: Hebrews 10:1–18

October 2, 2022

The Better Mediator

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Hebrews: Firm to the End Topic: Expository Scripture: Hebrews 9:15–28

September 25, 2022

The Better Sanctuary

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Hebrews: Firm to the End Topic: Expository Scripture: Hebrews 9:1–14

September 18, 2022

The Better Covenant

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Hebrews: Firm to the End Topic: Expository Scripture: Hebrews 8:1–13

September 11, 2022

The Better Priest

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Hebrews: Firm to the End Topic: Expository Scripture: Hebrews 7:1–28

August 28, 2022

The Parable of the Ten Talents

Preacher: Ben Zamora Series: The Parables of Jesus Topic: Expository Scripture: Luke 19:11–27

August 14, 2022

The Word and the Glory of Christ

Preacher: Samuel Parkison Topic: Expository Scripture: 2 Peter 1:16–21

July 17, 2022

The Parables of the Feasts

Preacher: Will Barkley Series: The Parables of Jesus Topic: Expository Scripture: Luke 14:7–24

July 10, 2022

The Parable of the Rich Fool

Preacher: Will Barkley Series: The Parables of Jesus Topic: Expository Scripture: Luke 12:13–34

July 3, 2022

The Parable of the Sower

Preacher: Will Barkley Series: The Parables of Jesus Topic: Expository Scripture: Luke 8:4–18

June 12, 2022

He Will Hold Me Fast

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Hebrews: Firm to the End Topic: Expository Scripture: Hebrews 6:9–20

June 5, 2022

Don't Fall Away

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Hebrews: Firm to the End Topic: Expository Scripture: Hebrews 6:4–8

May 29, 2022

Adult Baby Syndrome

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Hebrews: Firm to the End Topic: Expository Scripture: Hebrews 5:11– 6:3

May 22, 2022

Jesus Our Great High Priest

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Hebrews: Firm to the End Topic: Expository Scripture: Hebrews 5:1–10

May 15, 2022

Help in Time of Need

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Hebrews: Firm to the End Topic: Expository Scripture: Hebrews 4:14–16

May 8, 2022

Steadfast Faith: In Action

Preacher: Will Barkley Series: Steadfast Faith Topic: Expository Scripture: 2 Thessalonians 3:1–18

May 1, 2022

Steadfast Faith: Against Deception

Preacher: Will Barkley Series: Steadfast Faith Topic: Expository Scripture: 2 Thessalonians 2:1–17

April 24, 2022

Steadfast Faith: In Affliction

Preacher: Adam Brown Series: Steadfast Faith Topic: Expository Scripture: 2 Thessalonians 1:1–12

April 3, 2022

Enter God's Rest

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Hebrews: Firm to the End Topic: Expository Scripture: Hebrews 4:1–11

March 27, 2022

Watch Your Hearts

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Hebrews: Firm to the End Topic: Expository Scripture: Hebrews 3:7–19

March 20, 2022

God's Faithful Son

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Hebrews: Firm to the End Topic: Expository Scripture: Hebrews 3:1–6

February 27, 2022

Cur Deus Homo?

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Hebrews: Firm to the End Topic: Expository Scripture: Hebrews 2:5–18

February 20, 2022

Pay Attention!

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Hebrews: Firm to the End Topic: Expository Scripture: Hebrews 2:1–4

February 13, 2022

The Superior Son

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Hebrews: Firm to the End Topic: Expository Scripture: Hebrews 1:5–14

February 6, 2022

God Has Spoken in His Son

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Hebrews: Firm to the End Topic: Expository Scripture: Hebrews 1:1–4

January 23, 2022

A Lamp Shining in a Dark Place

Preacher: Will Barkley Series: Aspirations for 2022 Topic: Expository Scripture: 2 Peter 1:16–21

January 16, 2022

Declaring the Mystery of Christ

Preacher: J.P. Stokes Series: Aspirations for 2022 Topic: Expository Scripture: Colossians 4:2–6

January 9, 2022

A House of Prayer

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Aspirations for 2022 Topic: Expository Scripture: Mark 11:11–25

December 31, 2021

Teach Us To Number Our Days

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Topic: Expository Scripture: Psalm 90:1–17

December 17, 2021

The Church Planter's Ministry

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Topic: Expository Scripture: Acts 20:17–38

November 26, 2021

The Divine Design: Manhood

Preacher: Ben Zamora Series: The Divine Design: Manhood and Womanhood according to Scripture Topic: Expository Scripture: 1 Corinthians 16:13–14

October 22, 2021

The Preeminence of Jesus

Preacher: Will Barkley Topic: Expository Scripture: Colossians 1:15–23

October 15, 2021

Sacred Time

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Leviticus: Life in God’s Presence Topic: Expository Scripture: Leviticus 23:1– 27:34

October 8, 2021

Holy God, Holy People

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Leviticus: Life in God’s Presence Topic: Expository Scripture: Leviticus 17:1– 22:33

October 1, 2021

The Day of At-One-Ment

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Leviticus: Life in God’s Presence Topic: Expository Scripture: Leviticus 16:1–34

September 24, 2021

The Community of Discipleship

Preacher: Wyley Jenkins Series: Following Jesus Topic: Expository Scripture: Matthew 28:16–20

September 17, 2021

The Call of Discipleship

Preacher: Wyley Jenkins Series: Following Jesus Topic: Expository Scripture: Matthew 4:17–25

September 3, 2021

The God Who Makes Us Clean

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Leviticus: Life in God’s Presence Topic: Expository Scripture: Leviticus 11:1– 15:33

August 27, 2021

Dare to Draw Near

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Leviticus: Life in God’s Presence Topic: Expository Scripture: Leviticus 8:1– 10:20

August 20, 2021

The Blood of Bulls and Goats

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Leviticus: Life in God’s Presence Topic: Expository Scripture: Leviticus 1:1– 7:38

August 13, 2021

Life in God's Presence: Leviticus Overview

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Leviticus: Life in God’s Presence Topic: Expository Scripture: Leviticus 1:1– 27:34

August 6, 2021

Revive Us Again

Preacher: Sam Marrero Topic: Expository Scripture: 2 Kings 22:1–20

July 30, 2021

A True Testimony

Preacher: Ben Zamora Series: Walking in the Truth: 2-3 John Topic: Expository Scripture: 3 John 1:9–15

July 23, 2021

True Partnership

Preacher: J.P. Stokes Series: Walking in the Truth: 2-3 John Topic: Expository Scripture: 3 John 1:1–8

July 16, 2021

True Doctrine

Preacher: Nigussie Yadete Series: Walking in the Truth: 2-3 John Topic: Expository Scripture: 2 John 1:7–13

July 9, 2021

True Love

Preacher: Shyam Pasula Series: Walking in the Truth: 2-3 John Topic: Expository Scripture: 2 John 1:1–6

July 2, 2021

Holy to the LORD

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Zechariah: The Return of the King Topic: Expository Scripture: Zechariah 14:16–21

June 25, 2021

The LORD is King

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Zechariah: The Return of the King Topic: Expository Scripture: Zechariah 14:1–15

June 18, 2021

A Fountain Filled with Blood

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Zechariah: The Return of the King Topic: Expository Scripture: Zechariah 13:1–9

June 11, 2021

Salvation and Mourning

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Zechariah: The Return of the King Topic: Expository Scripture: Zechariah 12:1–14

June 4, 2021

Fear Not, Little Flock

Preacher: Curt Romig Topic: Expository Scripture: Luke 12:13–34

May 28, 2021

Sheep for Sale

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Zechariah: The Return of the King Topic: Expository Scripture: Zechariah 11:1–17

May 21, 2021

O Church, Arise

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Zechariah: The Return of the King Topic: Expository Scripture: Zechariah 10:1–12

May 14, 2021

The King on a Donkey

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: Zechariah: The Return of the King Topic: Expository Scripture: Zechariah 9:9–17

May 7, 2021

God of Justice

Preacher: Wyley Jenkins Series: Zechariah: The Return of the King Topic: Expository Scripture: Zechariah 9:1–8

April 30, 2021

From Fasting to Feasting

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Zechariah: The Return of the King Topic: Expository Scripture: Zechariah 8:1–23

April 23, 2021

Searching the Motives of the Heart

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: Zechariah: The Return of the King Topic: Expository Scripture: Zechariah 7:1–14

April 16, 2021

The Royal Priest

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Zechariah: The Return of the King Topic: Expository Scripture: Zechariah 6:9–15

April 9, 2021

Lift Up Your Eyes and See

Preacher: Wyley Jenkins Series: Zechariah: The Return of the King Topic: Expository Scripture: Zechariah 6:1–8

April 2, 2021

The Crucified King

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Topic: Expository Scripture: Matthew 27:27–54

March 26, 2021

The Pastor’s Gladness and the Church’s Gain

Preacher: Anand Samuel Topic: Expository Scripture: Hebrews 13:17

March 19, 2021

The End of Wickedness

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Zechariah: The Return of the King Topic: Expository Scripture: Zechariah 5:1–11

March 12, 2021

The Great Exchange

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Zechariah: The Return of the King Topic: Expository Scripture: Zechariah 3:1–10

March 5, 2021

Glory in Our Midst

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Zechariah: The Return of the King Topic: Expository Scripture: Zechariah 2:1–13

February 26, 2021

Good and Comforting Words

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Zechariah: The Return of the King Topic: Expository Scripture: Zechariah 1:7–21

February 19, 2021

Return and Pay Attention

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: Zechariah: The Return of the King Topic: Expository Scripture: Zechariah 1:1–6

February 12, 2021

Lord of the Storm

Preacher: Sam Marrero Topic: Expository Scripture: Mark 4:35–41

February 5, 2021

Death in Adam, Life in Christ

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Topic: Expository Scripture: Romans 5:12–21

January 29, 2021

United for Gospel Mission

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Candidating Sermons - Aubrey Sequeira Topic: Expository Scripture: Romans 15:1–33

January 22, 2021

Church Growth

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Candidating Sermons - Aubrey Sequeira Topic: Expository Scripture: Ephesians 4:11–16

January 15, 2021

Day of Small Things, Day of Big Promises

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Candidating Sermons - Aubrey Sequeira Topic: Expository Scripture: Zechariah 4:1–14

January 15, 2021

Day of Small Things, Day of Big Promises

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Zechariah: The Return of the King Topic: Expository Scripture: Zechariah 4:1–14

January 8, 2021


Preacher: Curt Romig Series: The Letter of James: Faith That Works Topic: Expository Scripture: James 5:19–20

January 1, 2021

Power for 2021

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: The Letter of James: Faith That Works Topic: Expository Scripture: James 5:13–18

December 25, 2020


Preacher: Curt Romig Topic: Expository Scripture: Matthew 1:18–25

December 11, 2020

The Judge is at the Door

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: The Letter of James: Faith That Works Topic: Expository Scripture: James 5:7–12

December 4, 2020

Here Today, Gone Tomorrow

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: The Letter of James: Faith That Works Topic: Expository Scripture: James 4:13– 5:6

November 20, 2020

Me First

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: The Letter of James: Faith That Works Topic: Expository Scripture: James 4:1–12

November 13, 2020

The Meekness of Wisdom

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: The Letter of James: Faith That Works Topic: Expository Scripture: James 3:13–18

November 6, 2020

Power and Danger in Your Mouth

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: The Letter of James: Faith That Works Topic: Expository Scripture: James 3:1–12

October 30, 2020

Faith That Works

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: The Letter of James: Faith That Works Topic: Expository Scripture: James 2:14–26

October 23, 2020

Sit Down at My Feet

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: The Letter of James: Faith That Works Topic: Expository Scripture: James 2:1–13

October 16, 2020

Too Much Talk, Not Enough Walk

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: The Letter of James: Faith That Works Topic: Expository Scripture: James 1:19–27

October 9, 2020

God's Goodness in Trials and Temptations

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: The Letter of James: Faith That Works Topic: Expository Scripture: James 1:2–18

October 2, 2020

Faith Under Fire: Introduction to James

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: The Letter of James: Faith That Works Topic: Expository Scripture: James 1:1– 5:20

September 25, 2020

Bless and Be Blessed

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: Longing for God’s House: The Psalms of Ascents Topic: Expository Scripture: Psalm 134:1–3

September 18, 2020

The Beauty of Christian Unity

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Longing for God’s House: The Psalms of Ascents Topic: Expository Scripture: Psalm 133:1–3

September 11, 2020

Is God with You?

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: Longing for God’s House: The Psalms of Ascents Topic: Expository Scripture: Psalm 132:1–18

August 28, 2020

Journeying Out of the Depths

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: Longing for God’s House: The Psalms of Ascents Topic: Expository Scripture: Psalm 130:1–8

August 21, 2020

Afflicted, But Not Abandoned

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Longing for God’s House: The Psalms of Ascents Topic: Expository Scripture: Psalm 129:1–8

August 14, 2020

The Blessed Life

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Longing for God’s House: The Psalms of Ascents Topic: Expository Scripture: Psalm 127:1– 128:6

August 7, 2020

Shouts and Tears

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: Longing for God’s House: The Psalms of Ascents Topic: Expository Scripture: Psalm 126:1–6

July 31, 2020

Mountainous Confidence

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: Longing for God’s House: The Psalms of Ascents Topic: Expository Scripture: Psalm 125:1–5

July 24, 2020

The Lord Our Helper

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Longing for God’s House: The Psalms of Ascents Topic: Expository Scripture: Psalm 124:1–8

July 17, 2020

The Merciful Master

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: Longing for God’s House: The Psalms of Ascents Topic: Expository Scripture: Psalm 123:1–4

July 10, 2020

The City of God

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Longing for God’s House: The Psalms of Ascents Topic: Expository Scripture: Psalm 122:1–9

June 26, 2020

Deliverance from Distress

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Longing for God’s House: The Psalms of Ascents Topic: Expository Scripture: Psalm 120:1–7

June 12, 2020

Provision and Pardon

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: The Gospel Of John Topic: Expository Scripture: John 21:1–25

June 5, 2020

Reading is Believing

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: The Gospel Of John Topic: Expository Scripture: John 20:1–31

May 29, 2020

The Horrible, Glorious Cross

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: The Gospel Of John Topic: Expository Scripture: John 19:17–42

May 22, 2020

Behold Your King

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: The Gospel Of John Topic: Expository Scripture: John 18:28– 19:16

May 15, 2020

According to Plan

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: The Gospel Of John Topic: Expository Scripture: John 18:1–27

May 8, 2020

Jesus is Praying for You

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: The Gospel Of John Topic: Expository Scripture: John 17:1–26

May 1, 2020

Resurrection Ramifications

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: The Gospel Of John Topic: Expository Scripture: John 16:16–22

April 24, 2020

Anticipate Hate

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: The Gospel Of John Topic: Expository Scripture: John 15:18– 16:15

April 3, 2020

Smiling at Suffering

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Comfort in the Chaos Topic: Expository Scripture: James 1:2–4

March 13, 2020

The Vine and the Branches

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: The Gospel Of John Topic: Expository Scripture: John 15:1–17

March 8, 2020

Stand Firm

Preacher: Julian Panga Series: Jesus Our Joy Topic: Expository Scripture: Philippians 4:1–9

March 6, 2020

A Long Distance Relationship

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: The Gospel Of John Topic: Expository Scripture: John 14:15–31

March 1, 2020

Heavenly Citizens

Preacher: Shyam Pasula Series: Jesus Our Joy Topic: Expository Scripture: Philippians 3:12–21

February 28, 2020

Life Without Jesus

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: The Gospel Of John Topic: Expository Scripture: John 14:1–14

February 21, 2020

Betrayed, Denied and Glorified

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: The Gospel Of John Topic: Expository Scripture: John 13:21–38

February 16, 2020

Honor Such Men

Preacher: Allen Manzanares Series: Jesus Our Joy Topic: Expository Scripture: Philippians 2:19–30

February 14, 2020

The Servant Savior

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: The Gospel Of John Topic: Expository Scripture: John 13:1–20

February 9, 2020

Working Out as God Works In

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Jesus Our Joy Topic: Expository Scripture: Philippians 2:12–18

February 7, 2020

Life through Death, Glory through Shame

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: The Gospel Of John Topic: Expository Scripture: John 12:12–50

January 31, 2020

A Fragrant Offering

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: The Gospel Of John Topic: Expository Scripture: John 12:1–11

January 26, 2020

Joy in Living for Christ

Preacher: Billypaul Owere Series: Jesus Our Joy Topic: Expository Scripture: Philippians 1:18–30

January 24, 2020

Dying for The Nation

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: The Gospel Of John Topic: Expository Scripture: John 11:45–57

January 19, 2020

Boasting in Weakness

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: Jesus Our Joy Topic: Expository Scripture: 2 Corinthians 11:16–33

January 17, 2020

The Resurrection and the Life

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: The Gospel Of John Topic: Expository Scripture: John 11:1–44

January 12, 2020

The Unstoppable Gospel

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Jesus Our Joy Topic: Expository Scripture: Philippians 1:12–18

January 10, 2020

Doubt Your Doubts

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: The Gospel Of John Topic: Expository Scripture: John 10:22–42

January 5, 2020

Real Fellowship

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: Jesus Our Joy Topic: Expository Scripture: Philippians 1:1–11

January 3, 2020

The Good Shepherd

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: The Gospel Of John Topic: Expository Scripture: John 10:1–21

December 27, 2019

Though I Was Blind, Now I See

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: The Gospel Of John Topic: Expository Scripture: John 9:1–41

December 22, 2019

The Woman Who Tried to Kill Christmas

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: Messengers of God Topic: Expository Scripture: 2 Kings 11:1– 12:34

December 20, 2019

Profile of a False Disciple

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: The Gospel Of John Topic: Expository Scripture: John 8:31–59

December 15, 2019

God of the Battle

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: Messengers of God Topic: Expository Scripture: 2 Kings 6:8–23

December 13, 2019

The Light of the World

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: The Gospel Of John Topic: Expository Scripture: John 8:12–30

December 8, 2019

Surprising Grace and Greed

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: Messengers of God Topic: Expository Scripture: 2 Kings 5:1–27

December 6, 2019

Expect Rejection

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: The Gospel Of John Topic: Expository Scripture: John 7:1–52

November 29, 2019

Hope for Failed Evangelists

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: The Gospel Of John Topic: Expository Scripture: John 6:1–71

November 24, 2019

God's Compassion in Our Desperation

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: Messengers of God Topic: Expository Scripture: 2 Kings 4:1–44

November 22, 2019

Like Father, Like Son

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: The Gospel Of John Topic: Expository Scripture: John 5:19–47

November 17, 2019

The Word of Life and Judgment

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: Messengers of God Topic: Expository Scripture: 2 Kings 2:1–25

November 15, 2019

How Not to Respond to Jesus

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: The Gospel Of John Topic: Expository Scripture: John 4:43– 5:18

October 27, 2019

Practice Good or Practice Evil

Preacher: Ben Zamora Series: 2-3 John Topic: Expository Scripture: 3 John 1:9–15

October 25, 2019

The Savior of the World

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: The Gospel Of John Topic: Expository Scripture: John 4:1–42

October 20, 2019

The Testimony of Truth and Love

Series: 2-3 John Topic: Expository Scripture: 3 John 1:1–8

October 18, 2019

Joy Made Complete

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: The Gospel Of John Topic: Expository Scripture: John 3:22–36

October 13, 2019

Walk in Truth

Preacher: Billypaul Owere Series: 2-3 John Topic: Expository Scripture: 2 John 1:1–13

October 11, 2019

You Must Be Born Again

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: The Gospel Of John Topic: Expository Scripture: John 3:1–21

October 6, 2019

Is There No God in Israel?

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Messengers of God Topic: Expository Scripture: 2 Kings 1:1–18

October 4, 2019

The Lord of the Temple

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: The Gospel Of John Topic: Expository Scripture: John 2:13–25

September 29, 2019

The Exceeding Sinfulness of Sin

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Messengers of God Topic: Expository Scripture: 1 Kings 21:1–29

September 27, 2019

The Heavenly Wine-Maker

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: The Gospel Of John Topic: Expository Scripture: John 2:1–11

September 22, 2019

What Are You Doing Here, Elijah?

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Messengers of God Topic: Expository Scripture: 1 Kings 19:1–21

September 20, 2019

Discovering Jesus

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: The Gospel Of John Topic: Expository Scripture: John 1:35–51

September 15, 2019

Yahweh vs. Baal

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Messengers of God Topic: Expository Scripture: 1 Kings 18:1–46

September 13, 2019

I Am Not the Christ

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: The Gospel Of John Topic: Expository Scripture: John 1:19–34

September 8, 2019

Introducing Elijah

Preacher: Bob Von Bargen Series: Messengers of God Topic: Expository Scripture: 1 Kings 17:1–24

September 6, 2019

In the Beginning

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: The Gospel Of John Topic: Expository Scripture: John 1:1–18

August 23, 2019

Why Do the Innocent Suffer?

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Hidden Treasures Topic: Expository Scripture: Job 1:1– 42:17

August 16, 2019

The Mysterious Music of Love

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Hidden Treasures Topic: Expository Scripture: Song of Solomon 1:1– 8:14

August 9, 2019

The Return of the King

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Hidden Treasures Topic: Expository Scripture: 1 Chronicles 1:1– 29:30, 2 Chronicles 1:1– 36:23

August 2, 2019

Bringing Down the Eagle

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: Hidden Treasures Topic: Expository Scripture: Obadiah 1:1–21

July 26, 2019

Chasing the Wind

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: Hidden Treasures Topic: Expository Scripture: Ecclesiastes 1:1– 11:14

July 19, 2019

Strength for a Little While

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: Expats in This World Topic: Expository Scripture: 1 Peter 5:5–14

July 12, 2019

Shepherds for God's Flock

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Expats in This World Topic: Expository Scripture: 1 Peter 5:1–4

July 5, 2019

Celebrate Suffering

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Expats in This World Topic: Expository Scripture: 1 Peter 4:12–19

June 30, 2019

Lukewarm Christianity

Preacher: Nigussie Yadete Series: The Seven Churches in Revelation Topic: Expository Scripture: Revelation 3:14–22

June 28, 2019

Leave Behind and Look Ahead

Preacher: Jonathan G Series: Expats in This World Topic: Expository Scripture: 1 Peter 4:1–11

June 23, 2019

The Rewards of Perseverance

Preacher: Anwar Sawaya Series: The Seven Churches in Revelation Topic: Expository Scripture: Revelation 3:7–13

June 21, 2019

Victory in Defeat

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Expats in This World Topic: Expository Scripture: 1 Peter 3:18–22

June 16, 2019

The Zombie Church

Preacher: Sam Marrero Series: The Seven Churches in Revelation Topic: Expository Scripture: Revelation 3:1–6

June 14, 2019

Unity and Righteousness in Tough Times

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Expats in This World Topic: Expository Scripture: 1 Peter 3:8–17

June 9, 2019

Love and Tolerance

Preacher: Billypaul Owere Series: The Seven Churches in Revelation Topic: Expository Scripture: Revelation 2:18–29

June 7, 2019

Submission and Honour in Marriage

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: Expats in This World Topic: Expository Scripture: 1 Peter 3:1–7

June 2, 2019

Endurance without Compromise

Preacher: Pride Tanyara Series: The Seven Churches in Revelation Topic: Expository Scripture: Revelation 2:12–17

May 31, 2019

Called to Unjust Suffering

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Expats in This World Topic: Expository Scripture: 1 Peter 2:18–25

May 26, 2019

Faithful Unto Death

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: The Seven Churches in Revelation Topic: Expository Scripture: Revelation 2:8–11

May 24, 2019

Christian Politics

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Expats in This World Topic: Expository Scripture: 1 Peter 2:11–17

May 19, 2019

First Love

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: The Seven Churches in Revelation Topic: Expository Scripture: Revelation 1:9– 2:7

May 17, 2019

A New Temple, A New People

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Expats in This World Topic: Expository Scripture: 1 Peter 2:4–10

May 12, 2019

Turning Points

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: Hope in Hard Times Topic: Expository Scripture: Haggai 2:10–23

May 10, 2019

Saved for Holiness and Love

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Expats in This World Topic: Expository Scripture: 1 Peter 1:13– 2:3

May 5, 2019

Keep Building The House!

Preacher: Jonathan G Series: Hope in Hard Times Topic: Expository Scripture: Haggai 2:1–9

May 3, 2019

Expat Joy

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: Expats in This World Topic: Expository Scripture: 1 Peter 1:1–12

April 28, 2019

Build the House!

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Hope in Hard Times Topic: Expository Scripture: Haggai 1:1–15

April 26, 2019

Building a House for God's Glory

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Exodus: Saved and Set Apart Topic: Expository Scripture: Exodus 36:8– 40:38

April 14, 2019

Living as God's Chosen People

Preacher: Jonathan G Series: Colossians: Christ Above All Topic: Expository Scripture: Colossians 3:18– 4:6

April 12, 2019

God's Building Fund

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Exodus: Saved and Set Apart Topic: Expository Scripture: Exodus 35:1– 36:7

April 7, 2019

Walking in Obedience

Preacher: Pride Tanyara Series: Colossians: Christ Above All Topic: Expository Scripture: Colossians 3:1–17

April 5, 2019


Preacher: Curt Romig Series: Exodus: Saved and Set Apart Topic: Expository Scripture: Exodus 34:29–35

March 31, 2019

Complete in Christ Jesus

Preacher: Nigussie Yadete Series: Colossians: Christ Above All Topic: Expository Scripture: Colossians 2:6–23

March 29, 2019

The Glory of God

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Exodus: Saved and Set Apart Topic: Expository Scripture: Exodus 33:7– 34:28

March 24, 2019

Joy in Suffering for the Gospel

Preacher: Billypaul Owere Series: Colossians: Christ Above All Topic: Expository Scripture: Colossians 1:24– 2:5

March 22, 2019

What's Your Golden Calf?

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Exodus: Saved and Set Apart Topic: Expository Scripture: Exodus 32:1– 33:6

March 17, 2019

The Supremacy of Christ

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Colossians: Christ Above All Topic: Expository Scripture: Colossians 1:15–23

March 15, 2019

God Dwelling Among Us

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Exodus: Saved and Set Apart Topic: Expository Scripture: Exodus 25:1– 31:11

March 10, 2019

Gospel Growth

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: Colossians: Christ Above All Topic: Expository Scripture: Colossians 1:1–14

March 8, 2019

Covenant Confirmed

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Exodus: Saved and Set Apart Topic: Expository Scripture: Exodus 24:1–18

March 3, 2019

The Joy of Redemption

Preacher: Pride Tanyara Series: Ruth: From Ruin to Redemption Topic: Expository Scripture: Ruth 4:1–22

March 1, 2019

Casting Out the Canaanites

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Exodus: Saved and Set Apart Topic: Expository Scripture: Exodus 23:20–33

February 24, 2019

The Risk of Redemption

Preacher: Billypaul Owere Series: Ruth: From Ruin to Redemption Topic: Expository Scripture: Ruth 3:1–18

February 22, 2019

Rhythms for Worship

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: Exodus: Saved and Set Apart Topic: Expository Scripture: Exodus 23:10–19

February 17, 2019

God's Provision Through Faithful Saints

Preacher: Ben Zamora Series: Ruth: From Ruin to Redemption Topic: Expository Scripture: Ruth 2:1–23

February 15, 2019

Cultivating a Christ-like Culture

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Exodus: Saved and Set Apart Topic: Expository Scripture: Exodus 22:16– 23:9

February 10, 2019

When Life Falls Apart

Preacher: Jonathan G Series: Ruth: From Ruin to Redemption Topic: Expository Scripture: Ruth 1:1–22

February 8, 2019

A Righteous Society

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Exodus: Saved and Set Apart Topic: Expository Scripture: Exodus 21:33– 22:15

January 27, 2019

The Day of the Lord

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Godly Waiting: 2 Peter Topic: Expository Scripture: 2 Peter 3:1–18

January 25, 2019

Slavery and Death

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Exodus: Saved and Set Apart Topic: Expository Scripture: Exodus 21:1–32

January 20, 2019

Warning: Wolves Among You

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: Godly Waiting: 2 Peter Topic: Expository Scripture: 2 Peter 2:1–22

January 18, 2019

Love Your Neighbor

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Exodus: Saved and Set Apart Topic: Expository Scripture: Exodus 20:12–17

January 13, 2019

Something More Certain

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Godly Waiting: 2 Peter Topic: Expository Scripture: 2 Peter 1:16–21

January 11, 2019

Love the Lord Your God

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Exodus: Saved and Set Apart Topic: Expository Scripture: Exodus 20:1–11, Genesis 20:18–26

January 6, 2019

Growing in Godliness

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: Godly Waiting: 2 Peter Topic: Expository Scripture: 2 Peter 1:1–15

January 4, 2019

Kingdom of Priests 

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Exodus: Saved and Set Apart Topic: Expository Scripture: Exodus 19:1–25

December 28, 2018

Limitless God, Limited Man

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: Exodus: Saved and Set Apart Topic: Expository Scripture: Exodus 18:1–27

December 21, 2018

The Lord is Our Banner

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Exodus: Saved and Set Apart Topic: Expository Scripture: Exodus 17:8–16

December 16, 2018

Two Gates, Two Trees, Two Builders

Preacher: Jonathan G Series: The Greatest Sermon Ever Preached Topic: Expository Scripture: Matthew 7:13–29

December 14, 2018

Grumbling Against God

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Exodus: Saved and Set Apart Topic: Expository Scripture: Exodus 15:22– 17:7

December 9, 2018

Dogs, Swine, and Saints

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: The Greatest Sermon Ever Preached Topic: Expository Scripture: Matthew 7:1–12

December 7, 2018

The Victory of God

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Exodus: Saved and Set Apart Topic: Expository Scripture: Exodus 14:1– 15:21

November 30, 2018

Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Exodus: Saved and Set Apart Topic: Expository Scripture: Exodus 13:17–22

November 25, 2018

True Peace in Jesus

Preacher: Nigussie Yadete Series: The Greatest Sermon Ever Preached Topic: Expository Scripture: Matthew 6:25–34

November 23, 2018

Remember the Rescue

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: Exodus: Saved and Set Apart Topic: Expository Scripture: Exodus 12:43– 13:16

November 18, 2018

Two Treasures, One Eye, and Two Masters

Preacher: Joshua Edwin Series: The Greatest Sermon Ever Preached Topic: Expository Scripture: Matthew 6:19–24

November 11, 2018

Heart Hunger

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: The Greatest Sermon Ever Preached Topic: Expository Scripture: Matthew 6:16–18

November 9, 2018

The Passover

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Exodus: Saved and Set Apart Topic: Expository Scripture: Exodus 12:1–42

November 4, 2018

A Matter of the Heart

Preacher: Ben Zamora Series: The Greatest Sermon Ever Preached Topic: Expository Scripture: Matthew 6:5–15

November 2, 2018

God vs. the “gods”

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Exodus: Saved and Set Apart Topic: Expository Scripture: Exodus 7:14– 11:10

October 28, 2018

True Righteousness

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: The Greatest Sermon Ever Preached Topic: Expository Scripture: Matthew 6:1–4

October 26, 2018

A Hardened Heart

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Exodus: Saved and Set Apart Topic: Expository Scripture: Exodus 6:28– 7:13

October 21, 2018

Missing the Point

Preacher: Christoper Monforte Series: The Greatest Sermon Ever Preached Topic: Expository Scripture: Matthew 5:33–48

October 19, 2018

Failure and Faith

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Exodus: Saved and Set Apart Topic: Expository Scripture: Exodus 5:1– 6:27

October 14, 2018

Heart Law

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: The Greatest Sermon Ever Preached Topic: Expository Scripture: Matthew 5:17–32

October 12, 2018

God's Blood Covenant

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Exodus: Saved and Set Apart Topic: Expository Scripture: Exodus 4:18–31

October 7, 2018

Salt and Light

Preacher: Anwar Sawaya Series: The Greatest Sermon Ever Preached Topic: Expository Scripture: Matthew 5:13–20

October 5, 2018

God's Instruments

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: Exodus: Saved and Set Apart Topic: Expository Scripture: Exodus 4:1–17

September 30, 2018

Joy in Persecution

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: The Greatest Sermon Ever Preached Topic: Expository Scripture: Matthew 5:10–12

September 28, 2018

Behold Your God

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Exodus: Saved and Set Apart Topic: Expository Scripture: Exodus 3:1–22

September 23, 2018

The Kingdom's Reward

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: The Greatest Sermon Ever Preached Topic: Expository Scripture: Matthew 5:6–9

September 21, 2018

The God Who Hears

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Exodus: Saved and Set Apart Topic: Expository Scripture: Exodus 2:11–25

September 16, 2018

The Upside Down Kingdom

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: The Greatest Sermon Ever Preached Topic: Expository Scripture: Matthew 5:2–5

September 14, 2018

Oppressed and Blessed

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Exodus: Saved and Set Apart Topic: Expository Scripture: Exodus 1:8– 2:10

September 9, 2018

The King and His Kingdom

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: The Greatest Sermon Ever Preached Topic: Expository Scripture: Matthew 4:23– 5:1

September 7, 2018

Introduction to Exodus

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Exodus: Saved and Set Apart Topic: Expository Scripture: Exodus 1:1–7

August 31, 2018

Know for Certain

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: The Marks of the True Christian Topic: Expository Scripture: 1 John 5:6–21

August 24, 2018

True Love

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: The Marks of the True Christian Topic: Expository Scripture: 1 John 4:7– 5:5

August 17, 2018

Don't Believe Everything You Hear

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: The Marks of the True Christian Topic: Expository Scripture: 1 John 4:1–6

August 10, 2018

Love One Another

Preacher: Joel Ericson Series: The Marks of the True Christian Topic: Expository Scripture: 1 John 3:11–24

August 3, 2018

The Children of God and the Children of the Devil

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: The Marks of the True Christian Topic: Expository Scripture: 1 John 2:28– 3:10

July 27, 2018

The Antichrists and the Anointed

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: The Marks of the True Christian Topic: Expository Scripture: 1 John 2:18–27

July 13, 2018

Keep His Commands

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: The Marks of the True Christian Topic: Expository Scripture: 1 John 2:3–11

July 6, 2018

Walking in the Light

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: The Marks of the True Christian Topic: Expository Scripture: 1 John 1:5– 2:2

June 15, 2018

Perfect Harmony

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Worship Together Topic: Expository Scripture: Colossians 3:1–17

June 8, 2018

Baptism and Communion

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Worship Together Topic: Expository Scripture: Romans 6:1–11, 1 Corinthians 11:17–34

June 1, 2018

The Primacy of Preaching

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Worship Together Topic: Expository Scripture: 2 Timothy 3:10– 4:8

May 18, 2018

Serving Like Our Servant King

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Worship Together Topic: Expository Scripture: John 13:1–17

April 22, 2018

Trusting God in Troubling Times

Preacher: Curt Romig Topic: Expository Scripture: Habakkuk 1:1– 3:19

April 20, 2018

To The Ends of the Earth

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Acts: The Gospel to the Ends of the Earth Topic: Expository Scripture: Acts 28:17–31

April 15, 2018

Two Kinds of Boasting

Preacher: Anwar Sawaya Series: In Christ Alone - Galatians Topic: Expository Scripture: Galatians 6:11–18

April 13, 2018


Preacher: Curt Romig Series: Acts: The Gospel to the Ends of the Earth Topic: Expository Scripture: Acts 27:1– 28:10

April 8, 2018

The Household of God Shares All Good Things

Preacher: Chris Bruce Series: In Christ Alone - Galatians Topic: Expository Scripture: Galatians 6:6–10

April 6, 2018

A Faithful Witness

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Acts: The Gospel to the Ends of the Earth Topic: Expository Scripture: Acts 25:1– 26:32

March 25, 2018

The Law of Christ

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: In Christ Alone - Galatians Topic: Expository Scripture: Galatians 6:1–5

March 23, 2018

Keep A Clear Conscience

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Acts: The Gospel to the Ends of the Earth Topic: Expository Scripture: Acts 24:1–27

March 18, 2018

Live by the Spirit

Preacher: Chris Bruce Series: In Christ Alone - Galatians Topic: Expository Scripture: Galatians 5:16–26

March 16, 2018

The Eye of the Storm

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Acts: The Gospel to the Ends of the Earth Topic: Expository Scripture: Acts 22:30– 23:35

March 9, 2018

Ministering While Misunderstood

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Acts: The Gospel to the Ends of the Earth Topic: Expository Scripture: Acts 21:17– 22:29

March 4, 2018

Who's Your Mama?

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: In Christ Alone - Galatians Topic: Expository Scripture: Galatians 4:21– 5:1

March 2, 2018

Poured Out for the Gospel

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Acts: The Gospel to the Ends of the Earth Topic: Expository Scripture: Acts 20:1– 21:16

February 25, 2018

Choosing Slavery is Perplexing

Series: In Christ Alone - Galatians Topic: Expository Scripture: Galatians 4:8–20

February 23, 2018

Jesus Vs. Evil Powers

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Acts: The Gospel to the Ends of the Earth Topic: Expository Scripture: Acts 19:11–41

February 18, 2018

Sons and Heirs Through Christ

Preacher: Nigussie Yadete Series: In Christ Alone - Galatians Topic: Expository Scripture: Galatians 4:1–7

February 16, 2018

Stuck in the Past

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: Acts: The Gospel to the Ends of the Earth Topic: Expository Scripture: Acts 19:1–10

February 11, 2018

Children of the Promise

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: In Christ Alone - Galatians Topic: Expository Scripture: Galatians 3:15–29

February 9, 2018

God’s Particular People

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Acts: The Gospel to the Ends of the Earth Topic: Expository Scripture: Acts 18:1–28

February 4, 2018

The Blessing of Abraham, The Curse of the Law

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: In Christ Alone - Galatians Topic: Expository Scripture: Galatians 3:1–14

February 2, 2018

The Rhythm of Gospel Work

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Acts: The Gospel to the Ends of the Earth Topic: Expository Scripture: Acts 17:1–34

January 28, 2018

The Life I Now Live

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: In Christ Alone - Galatians Topic: Expository Scripture: Galatians 2:11–21

January 26, 2018

Feed My Sheep

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Topic: Expository Scripture: John 21:1–25

January 21, 2018

Is the Gospel Paul Preached God’s Gospel?

Preacher: Chris Bruce Series: In Christ Alone - Galatians Topic: Expository Scripture: Galatians 1:11– 2:10

January 19, 2018

God's Sovereignty in the Gospel Mission

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Acts: The Gospel to the Ends of the Earth Topic: Expository Scripture: Acts 16:6–40

January 14, 2018

Stand Firm in the Truth

Preacher: Cass O'Rear Series: In Christ Alone - Galatians Topic: Expository Scripture: Galatians 1:6–10

January 12, 2018

Jesus Alone, or Jesus And?

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Acts: The Gospel to the Ends of the Earth Topic: Expository Scripture: Acts 15:1– 16:5

January 7, 2018

Introduction to Galatians

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: In Christ Alone - Galatians Topic: Expository Scripture: Galatians 1:1–5

January 5, 2018

The Joy and Mess of Missions

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: Acts: The Gospel to the Ends of the Earth Topic: Expository Scripture: Acts 13:1– 14:28

December 22, 2017

Gospel Growth

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Acts: The Gospel to the Ends of the Earth Topic: Expository Scripture: Acts 11:19–30

December 15, 2017

Faith Alone in Jesus

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Acts: The Gospel to the Ends of the Earth Topic: Expository Scripture: Acts 9:32– 11:18

December 8, 2017

Saul Saved

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Acts: The Gospel to the Ends of the Earth Topic: Expository Scripture: Acts 9:1–31

December 1, 2017

Scattered Seed

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Acts: The Gospel to the Ends of the Earth Topic: Expository Scripture: Acts 8:1–40

November 26, 2017

The Preview of Christmas

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: A Glimpse of Christmas Topic: Expository Scripture: Genesis 3:15

November 24, 2017

Dead or Alive

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: Acts: The Gospel to the Ends of the Earth Topic: Expository Scripture: Acts 6:8– 8:1

November 19, 2017

A Bride Fit for a King

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Proverbs: Wisdom for Life Topic: Expository Scripture: Proverbs 31:10–31

November 17, 2017

Divide and Conquer

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Acts: The Gospel to the Ends of the Earth Topic: Expository Scripture: Acts 6:1–7

November 12, 2017

Ants and Slugs

Preacher: Chris Bruce Series: Proverbs: Wisdom for Life Topic: Expository Scripture: Proverbs 6:6–11

November 10, 2017

Obedience Despite Opposition

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Acts: The Gospel to the Ends of the Earth Topic: Expository Scripture: Acts 5:12–42

October 20, 2017

The Loving, Fearful Church

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: Acts: The Gospel to the Ends of the Earth Topic: Expository Scripture: Acts 4:32– 5:11

October 13, 2017

No Other Name

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Acts: The Gospel to the Ends of the Earth Topic: Expository Scripture: Acts 4:1–31

October 6, 2017

A True Miracle

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Acts: The Gospel to the Ends of the Earth Topic: Expository Scripture: Acts 3

October 1, 2017

Slow to Anger

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: Proverbs: Wisdom for Life Topic: Expository Scripture: Proverbs 14:17, Proverbs 14:29, Proverbs 15:18, Proverbs 16:32, Proverbs 19:11, Proverbs 22:24, Proverbs 29:22, Exodus 34:6–7

September 29, 2017

Life Together

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Acts: The Gospel to the Ends of the Earth Topic: Expository Scripture: Acts 2:42–47

September 24, 2017

Who is Controlling You?

Preacher: Chris Bruce Series: Proverbs: Wisdom for Life Topic: Expository Scripture: Proverbs 23:19–35

September 22, 2017

The End Has Begun

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Acts: The Gospel to the Ends of the Earth Topic: Expository Scripture: Acts 2:1–41

September 17, 2017

Behold Our Sovereign God

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Proverbs: Wisdom for Life Topic: Expository Scripture: Proverbs 16:1–4, Proverbs 16:9, Proverbs 16:33, Proverbs 21:1, Proverbs 21:30–31

September 15, 2017

The Waiting Witnesses

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: Acts: The Gospel to the Ends of the Earth Topic: Expository Scripture: Acts 1:12–26

September 8, 2017

Introduction to Acts

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Acts: The Gospel to the Ends of the Earth Topic: Expository Scripture: Acts 1:1–11

August 18, 2017

Watch Your Mouth

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Proverbs: Wisdom for Life Topic: Expository Scripture: Proverbs 10:31–32

August 11, 2017

Good Sex

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Proverbs: Wisdom for Life Topic: Expository Scripture: Proverbs 5:1–23

July 21, 2017

Walk in Obedience

Preacher: Kevin Penman Series: 2 Thessalonians Topic: Expository Scripture: 2 Thessalonians 3:1–18

July 14, 2017

The Coming of Jesus

Preacher: Kevin Penman Series: 2 Thessalonians Topic: Expository Scripture: 2 Thessalonians 2:1–17

July 7, 2017

Heaven and Hell

Preacher: Kevin Penman Series: 2 Thessalonians Topic: Expository Scripture: 2 Thessalonians 1:5–12

June 30, 2017

A Church is Born!

Preacher: Kevin Penman Series: 2 Thessalonians Topic: Expository Scripture: 2 Thessalonians 1:1–4

June 23, 2017

God Meant it for Good

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: God Meant it for Good: The Story of Joseph Topic: Expository Scripture: Genesis 45:1–15

June 16, 2017

Repentance and Reconciliation

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: God Meant it for Good: The Story of Joseph Topic: Expository Scripture: Genesis 42:1– 45:28

June 9, 2017

The Suffering Servant Reigns and Rescues

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: God Meant it for Good: The Story of Joseph Topic: Expository Scripture: Genesis 41:1–57

June 2, 2017

Faithful and Forgotten

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: God Meant it for Good: The Story of Joseph Topic: Expository Scripture: Genesis 40:1–23

May 19, 2017

God's Blessing in Our Trials

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: God Meant it for Good: The Story of Joseph Topic: Expository Scripture: Genesis 39:1–23

May 12, 2017

Divine Justice

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: God Meant it for Good: The Story of Joseph Topic: Expository Scripture: Genesis 38:1–30

May 5, 2017

God Will Work Even in This

Preacher: Chris Bruce Series: God Meant it for Good: The Story of Joseph Topic: Expository Scripture: Genesis 37:12–36

March 17, 2017

Gospel Networks

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: 1 Corinthians Topic: Expository Scripture: 1 Corinthians 16:1–24

March 10, 2017

Raised Like Jesus

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: 1 Corinthians Topic: Expository Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:35–58

March 3, 2017

Resurrection Ramifications

Preacher: Kevin Penman Series: 1 Corinthians Topic: Expository Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:12–34

February 24, 2017

Of First Importance

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: 1 Corinthians Topic: Expository Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:1–11

February 17, 2017

It's Not About You

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: 1 Corinthians Topic: Expository Scripture: 1 Corinthians 114:1– 14:40

February 10, 2017

The Most Excellent Way

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: 1 Corinthians Topic: Expository Scripture: 1 Corinthians 13:1–13

February 3, 2017

Being a Gift

Preacher: Kevin Penman Series: 1 Corinthians Topic: Expository Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:1–31

January 27, 2017

The Lord's Supper

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: 1 Corinthians Topic: Expository Scripture: 1 Corinthians 11:17–34

January 20, 2017

Honoring Your Head

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: 1 Corinthians Topic: Expository Scripture: 1 Corinthians 11:2–16

January 13, 2017

All for God's Glory

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: 1 Corinthians Topic: Expository Scripture: 1 Corinthians 10:23– 11:1

December 16, 2016

Flee from Idolatry

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: 1 Corinthians Topic: Expository Scripture: 1 Corinthians 9:24– 10:22

July 1, 2016

Shout for Joy to the Lord

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: The Psalms Topic: Expository Scripture: Psalm 33:1–22

May 29, 2015

Put on the Whole Armor of God!

Preacher: Cameron Arensen Series: Book of Ephesians Topic: Expository Scripture: Ephesians 6:10–24

May 22, 2015

We Wrestle Not Against Flesh and Blood

Preacher: Cameron Arensen Series: Book of Ephesians Topic: Expository Scripture: Ephesians 6:10–20

May 15, 2015

At Home and At Work

Preacher: Cameron Arensen Series: Book of Ephesians Topic: Expository Scripture: Ephesians 6:1–9

May 8, 2015

Husbands and Wives

Preacher: Cameron Arensen Series: Book of Ephesians Topic: Expository Scripture: Ephesians 5:22–33

April 17, 2015

Under the Influence

Preacher: Cameron Arensen Series: Book of Ephesians Topic: Expository Scripture: Ephesians 5:15–21

April 10, 2015

Walk as Children of Light

Preacher: Cameron Arensen Series: Book of Ephesians Topic: Expository Scripture: Ephesians 5:3–14

March 27, 2015

Take Off and Put On

Preacher: Cameron Arensen Series: Book of Ephesians Topic: Expository Scripture: Ephesians 4:17– 5:2

March 20, 2015

A Worthy Walk

Preacher: Cameron Arensen Series: Book of Ephesians Topic: Expository Scripture: Ephesians 4:1–16

March 6, 2015

Rooted and Grounded in Love

Preacher: Cameron Arensen Series: Book of Ephesians Topic: Expository Scripture: Ephesians 3:14–21

February 13, 2015

What God Has Joined Together

Preacher: Cameron Arensen Series: Book of Ephesians Topic: Expository Scripture: Ephesians 2:11– 3:13

January 23, 2015

The Parable of the Diamond Willow

Preacher: Cameron Arensen Series: Book of Ephesians Topic: Expository Scripture: Ephesians 2:1–10

January 16, 2015

Open Our Eyes, Lord!

Preacher: Cameron Arensen Series: Book of Ephesians Topic: Expository Scripture: Ephesians 1:15–23

January 9, 2015

To the Praise of His Glory

Preacher: Cameron Arensen Series: Book of Ephesians Topic: Expository Scripture: Ephesians 1:1–14

May 23, 2014

I Will Question You (Job - Part 3)

Preacher: Micah Mercer Series: Job Topic: Expository Scripture: Job 38:1– 42:17

May 16, 2014

Questions, Questions, Questions! (Job - Part 2)

Preacher: Cameron Arensen Series: Job Topic: Expository Scripture: Job 13:1– 37:24

May 9, 2014

Why? (Job - Part 1)

Preacher: Cameron Arensen Series: Job Topic: Expository Scripture: Job 1:1– 2:13

February 21, 2014

Secrets of the Kingdom

Preacher: Cameron Arensen Series: The Gospel of Matthew Topic: Expository Scripture: Matthew 13:24–52

February 14, 2014

He Spoke to Them in Parables

Preacher: Cameron Arensen Series: The Gospel of Matthew Topic: Expository Scripture: Matthew 13:1–23

January 31, 2014

Something Greater...

Preacher: Cameron Arensen Series: The Gospel of Matthew Topic: Expository Scripture: Matthew 12:1–50

January 24, 2014

Come to Me...and Find Rest

Preacher: Cameron Arensen Series: The Gospel of Matthew Topic: Expository Scripture: Matthew 11:1–30

January 17, 2014

The Sent Ones

Preacher: Cameron Arensen Series: The Gospel of Matthew Topic: Expository Scripture: Matthew 10:1–42

January 10, 2014

With Authority

Preacher: Cameron Arensen Series: The Gospel of Matthew Topic: Expository Scripture: Matthew 8:1– 9:38

January 3, 2014

Building on the Rock!

Preacher: Cameron Arensen Series: The Gospel of Matthew Topic: Expository Scripture: Matthew 7:24–29

December 13, 2013

In Conclusion

Preacher: Cameron Arensen Series: The Gospel of Matthew Topic: Expository Scripture: Matthew 7:1–23

December 6, 2013

Seek Ye First

Preacher: Cameron Arensen Series: The Gospel of Matthew Topic: Expository Scripture: Matthew 6:19–34

November 15, 2013

Pray Like This

Preacher: Cameron Arensen Series: The Gospel of Matthew Topic: Expository Scripture: Matthew 6:1–18

November 8, 2013

More Crazy Talk!

Preacher: Cameron Arensen Series: The Gospel of Matthew Topic: Expository Scripture: Matthew 5:33–48

November 1, 2013

What God Has Joined Together

Preacher: Cameron Arensen Series: Book of Matthew Topic: Expository Scripture: Matthew 5:31–32

October 25, 2013

That's Crazy Talk!

Preacher: Cameron Arensen Series: Book of Matthew Topic: Expository Scripture: Matthew 5:21–30

October 18, 2013

Greater Righteousness

Preacher: Cameron Arensen Series: Book of Matthew Topic: Expository Scripture: Matthew 5:17–20

October 4, 2013

What Kind of Kingdom Is This?

Preacher: Cameron Arensen Series: The Gospel of Matthew Topic: Expository Scripture: Matthew 5:1–16

September 27, 2013

The Battle in the Desert

Preacher: Cameron Arensen Series: The Gospel of Matthew Topic: Expository Scripture: Matthew 4

September 20, 2013

Get Ready!

Preacher: Cameron Arensen Series: The Gospel of Matthew Topic: Expository Scripture: Matthew 3:1–17

September 13, 2013

The Birthday of the King

Preacher: Cameron Arensen Series: The Gospel of Matthew Topic: Expository Scripture: Matthew 1:18– 2:23

September 6, 2013

The Promise Keeper?

Preacher: Cameron Arensen Series: The Gospel of Matthew Topic: Expository Scripture: Matthew 1:1–17

June 30, 2013

I Shall Dwell in the House of the Lord

Preacher: Cameron Arensen Series: Psalm 23 Topic: Expository Scripture: Psalm 23:5–6

June 23, 2013

I Will Fear No Evil

Preacher: Cameron Arensen Series: Psalm 23 Topic: Expository Scripture: Psalm 23:3–4

June 16, 2013

I Shall Not Want

Preacher: Cameron Arensen Series: Psalm 23 Topic: Expository Scripture: Psalm 23:2

June 9, 2013

The Lord is My Shepherd

Preacher: Cameron Arensen Series: Psalm 23 Topic: Expository Scripture: Psalm 23:1

July 29, 2011

Righteous Living God's Way

Preacher: Micah Mercer Series: James Topic: Expository Scripture: James 1:19–27

July 22, 2011

Finding Joy in the Midst of Trials

Preacher: Micah Mercer Series: James Topic: Expository Scripture: James 1:1–18