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The Seven Churches in Revelation

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The Seven Churches in Revelation

In Revelation 2-3, Jesus writes letters to seven different churches. In each one, he reminds them of his mighty identity and authority and of the joyous reward for those who persevere. These letters are all powerfully relevant to our churches and lives today, as we face similar challenges. May we have open ears to hear what the Spirit says to the churches, that we may persevere for our Mighty Savior!

June 30, 2019

Lukewarm Christianity

Preacher: Nigussie Yadete Series: The Seven Churches in Revelation Topic: Expository Scripture: Revelation 3:14–22

June 23, 2019

The Rewards of Perseverance

Preacher: Anwar Sawaya Series: The Seven Churches in Revelation Topic: Expository Scripture: Revelation 3:7–13

June 16, 2019

The Zombie Church

Preacher: Sam Marrero Series: The Seven Churches in Revelation Topic: Expository Scripture: Revelation 3:1–6

June 9, 2019

Love and Tolerance

Preacher: Billypaul Owere Series: The Seven Churches in Revelation Topic: Expository Scripture: Revelation 2:18–29

June 2, 2019

Endurance without Compromise

Preacher: Pride Tanyara Series: The Seven Churches in Revelation Topic: Expository Scripture: Revelation 2:12–17

May 26, 2019

Faithful Unto Death

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: The Seven Churches in Revelation Topic: Expository Scripture: Revelation 2:8–11

May 19, 2019

First Love

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: The Seven Churches in Revelation Topic: Expository Scripture: Revelation 1:9– 2:7