Keep A Clear Conscience

March 23, 2018 Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Acts: The Gospel to the Ends of the Earth

Topic: Expository Scripture: Acts 24:1–27

Synopsis: Being wronged and unjustly treated is a painful experience but it’s also a dangerous temptation. When others harm us, we can easily feel justified in doing harm back to them. We can react with harsh words, emotional outbursts or ruthless behavior, and justify it all because we are the victim but as followers of Jesus we are called to obey and honor God even when we are being dishonored and mistreated by others. No matter how others treat us, we must maintain a clear conscience before God.

More in Acts: The Gospel to the Ends of the Earth

April 20, 2018

To The Ends of the Earth

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April 6, 2018

A Faithful Witness