It's Not About You

February 17, 2017 Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: 1 Corinthians

Topic: Expository Scripture: 1 Corinthians 114:1– 14:40

Synopsis: Do you want to get into debate with other Christians? Just ask them what they think about speaking in tongues. Some would say speaking in tongues is evidence of a higher Christian experience, while others believe that tongue-speaking is demonic! Some say speaking in tongues is a private "prayer language" while others argue it is only the ability to speak in an unknown human language. Some believe God still grants the gift today, while others argue that gift ended because it is no longer needed today since we have the completed Bible. Yet when Paul writes about the topic, he doesn't seem concerned with explaining what tongue speaking is. Rather he seems far more focused on how such spiritual gifts are used in a local church. Because spiritual gifts are not ultimately about personal expression or freedom, but rather about serving and building up others in their faith.

There is no manuscript available for this sermon.

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