Session 4: Revelation 15–22
December 17, 2023 Preacher: Thomas Schreiner Series: The Joy of Hearing: The Message of the Book of Revelation
Topic: Church Scripture: Revelation 15:1– 22:21
Full YouTube Playlist
I. Introduction 1:1-20
A. The significance of the first phrase
B. What do the first 3 vv. emphasize and why is this significant exegetically?
C. Note the source of grace and peace in vv 4-6 and the emphasis.
D. What is the import of the vision in vv 12-20?
II. Letters to the Seven Churches 2:1-3:22
A. Pattern: order varies slightly and not all elements are present in every letter.
1. Addressed to the angel of the church; spirit of the churches
2. Some aspect of vision of Christ related to the churches (some other truth about Christ)
3. Encouragement: Sardis and Laodicea
4. Complaint
5. Call to repentance
6. Threat of judgment
7. Promise to overcomers--conquerors
8. Call to hear what the Spirit is saying to all the churches
B. No complaint re: Smyrna 2:8-11 and Philadelphia 3:7-13
C. A comment on meaning of hot and cold in 3:15-16 and the meaning of 3:20
III. Visions of God 4:1-5:13
A. The Identity of the four living creatures and 24 elders
1. Ezekiel 1 and 10
2. Rev. 5:9-10
B. The focus of the vision in ch. 4
C. The sealed book and the focus of the vision in ch. 5
IV. The Seven Seals 6:1-8:5
A. Cf. Matt 24:3-8 with first 4 seals
B. The Fifth Seal 6:9-11
C. What is the time frame of the 6th seal?
1. Wrath of lamb (v 16)
D. Interlude 7:1-17
1. What is the import of the sealing of the 144,000 and what is their identity (7:1-8)? Cf. 6:17 “Who is able to stand?”
2. How do the great multitude relate to the 144,000 and what is the point of 7:9-17?
3. The 7th Seal and the 7 Trumpets 8:1-5
V. The Seven Trumpets 8:6-11:19
A. The Relationship between the seals and the trumpets
B. The Significance of silence in heaven and the prayers of the saints (8:1-5; cf. Hab. 2:20; Zeph. 1:7)
C. The first four trumpets 8:6-13
D. The Nature of the punishments in the 5th and 6th trumpets 9:1-21
1. Identity of locusts 9:1-11
2. The cavalry of 200 million 9:12-19
3. Note especially 9:20-21
E. Interlude 10:1-11:14
1. Significance of the interlude
2. Import of temple in 11:1-2
3. Identity and function of two witnesses in 11:3-14
F. The 7th trumpet 11:15-19
VI. Signs in heaven and earth 12:1-14:20
A. The woman, the child, and the dragon 12:1-17
1. The identity of the woman and the child
2. When did the war in heaven occur? 12:7ff
3. The message for the church 12:10-11
4. The protection of the woman 12:13-17
B. The two beasts 13:1-18
1. Note the relationship between end of ch. 12 and 13
2. OT background on 1st beast
a. Daniel 7
3. The beast’s main activity 13:6-8
4. The message for the church 13:9-10
5. The 2nd beast 13:11-18
a. Function 13:12
b. Meaning of 666
C. The 144,000 on Mount Zion 14:1-5
1. Symbolism in text
2. Function in context
D. Three angels 14:6-13
1. Call to repentance 14:6-7
2. Babylon’s fall 14:8
3. Consequence of worshiping the beast 14:9-11
a. The import of vv 9-11 for the doctrine of hell
4. Message for the church 14:12-13
5. Harvesting the earth 14:14-20
6. OT background (Joel 3 eschatological harvest)
VII. The Seven bowls 15:1-16:21
A. The song of Moses 15:1-4
B. The function of 15:5-8
C. The nature of the judgments in ch. 16
1. Note the commentary in 16:5-7
2. Repetition of repentance theme 16:9, 11
D. Note 16:20-21 and 20:11; 21:1
VIII. The Judgment of Babylon 17:1-19:10
A. Precursors 14:8; 16:19
B. The identity of the woman 17:3, 18
1. Seated on waters 17:1, 15
2. Sitting on beast with 7 heads and 10 horns 17:3, 6-14
a. The 7 kings 17:9-11
(1) Individual kings: Julius Caesar, Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, Nero, Galba/Otho/Vitellius; Vespasian; Titus; Domitian
(2) Empires: Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome
(3) Symbolic and should not be pressed
3. The sins of the woman 17:2-6
4. How God accomplishes her judgment 17:15-18; 18:3
C. The OT background to ch. 18 (Ezekiel 26-28)
1. Mourning for the harlot 18:9-19
2. Kings 18:9-10
3. Merchants 18:11-19
D. Rejoicing by church over her judgment 18:20-19:10
1. Note 18:24 and 19:2
2. Marriage of lamb 19:6-10
IX. The Triumph of God in Christ 19:11-20:15
A. The defeat of the Beast and false prophet 19:11-21
1. Ezekiel 39:4, 17-20
B. The thousand years 20:1-6
1. Binding of Satan 20:1-3
2. Vindication of martyrs 20:4
3. The first resurrection and the millennium
a. Postmillennialism: world gradually christianized
b. Amillennialism: reign of Christ now
c. Premillennialism: reign of Christ after his return
C. The last battle 20:7-10
1. Gog and Magog Ezekiel 38-39
D. The last judgment 20:11-15
1. Works and the book of life
X. The new heavens and earth 21:1-22:5
A. All things new 21:1-8
1. The holy city 21:2
2. Essence of heaven 21:3-4
3. Exhortation 21:6-8
B. The holy city 21:9-22:5
1. The bride and the city 21:9-10
2. How literal is the city?
a. Cf. 21:22ff
XI. Closing words 22:6-21
A. Time is near 22:6-7, 10, 12, 20
B. Worshiping God 22:8-9
C. The meaning of 22:11; cf. 22:14, 17
D. The warning 22:18-19
E. Concluding affirmation 22:20
F. Benediction 22:21
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