The Joy of Hearing: The Message of the Book of Revelation

December 16, 2023 to December 17, 2023

  • December 16, 2023:
  • December 17, 2023:

Category: Conference

Evangelical Community Church and the Gulf Theological Seminary welcome you to join us for our first Abu Dhabi Bible Conference, featuring Dr. Thomas Schreiner on the message of the Book of Revelation! Dr. Schreiner will also be teaching his famed New Testament Theology course for GTS (more information here).

Join us as Dr. Thomas Schreiner explores the meaning and purpose of the book of Revelation!

The book of Revelation can feel more intimidating to read than other books of the Bible. It invites readers into a world that seems confusing and sometimes even strange: golden lampstands, seven seals, a dragon, and a rider on a white horse. Current world events also raise questions for us concerning Revelation’s meaning and significance. But at its core, Revelation is a message of hope written to Christians facing hardship, promising joy and hope to all who receive its message.

Come and hear Dr. Thomas Schreiner, one of our generation’s foremost evangelical New Testament scholars walk through the book of Revelation, and how this book informs our hope as Christians, encourages our hearts in the midst of trials, and shows us the ultimate victory of Jesus at the end of the age.


COST: 150 AED per person (includes dinner on both days)

COURSE AUDIT + CONFERENCE SPECIAL PACKAGE: Audit Dr. Schreiner’s New Testament Theology Class and attend the conference for 500 AED total (payable to GTS).

Childcare will also be provided for ages 0–4.

Register for the conference here.