Rejection & Return (The Prodigal Family: Part 1)
August 8, 2014 Preacher: Mark du Bord Series: The Prodigal Family
Scripture: Luke 15:11–32
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Synopsis: The Parable of the Prodigal Son (or Lost Son) is the longest and most known parables of Jesus. In this parable, Jesus is responding to the accusation of the Pharisees, that Jesus is doing wrong by associating with sinners. In this 3 part sermon series, Pastor Mark talks about the three main characters of the parable and who these three character represent. The glorious focus, ultimately is upon the boundless love of God, as our Father.
There is no manuscript available for this sermon.
Discussion Questions:
- Have you ever felt other Christians shame you for associating with other people who were far from God? What did that feel like and how did you handle it? What is your present day conviction about building relationship with people who do not know Jesus?
- One Biblical scholar has called the parable of the Lost Sheep, the parable of the Lost Coin, and the parable of the Prodigal Son, the parables of Joy. Read all there in one sitting and discuss them with a brother or sister in Christ.
- Why is it that the church in our day has been so poor in outreach to those far from God? Discuss this with others. Do we still feel the shame of Pharisees in the church? Or is it simply an inability to know how to share our faith?
- We, too, can drift away from "home" like the prodigal son and end up in a "distant land". How do you feel about this? Has your Christian life grown cold or lukewarm? Luke 15:17 says that the son "came to his senses", meaning he began to reflect on his life and this began his repentance process. This week try sitting down with a close friend and talk about where you are in your walk with God. Ask for prayer and accountability so that you can stay on course in the season ahead of you.
More in The Prodigal Family
August 22, 2014
The Father's Heart: Love, Seek, Save (The Prodigal Family: Part 3)August 15, 2014
Prevention of Faith (The Prodigal Family: Part 2)