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Sermons from 2019

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December 31, 2019

The New Self

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Topic: Christmas Scripture: Ephesians 4:17–24

December 27, 2019

Though I Was Blind, Now I See

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: The Gospel Of John Topic: Expository Scripture: John 9:1–41

December 24, 2019

We Have Come to Worship Him

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Topic: Christmas Scripture: Matthew 2:1–12

December 24, 2019

We Have Come to Worship Him

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Topic: Christmas Scripture: Matthew 2:1–12

December 22, 2019

The Woman Who Tried to Kill Christmas

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: Messengers of God Topic: Expository Scripture: 2 Kings 11:1– 12:34

December 20, 2019

Profile of a False Disciple

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: The Gospel Of John Topic: Expository Scripture: John 8:31–59

December 15, 2019

God of the Battle

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: Messengers of God Topic: Expository Scripture: 2 Kings 6:8–23

December 13, 2019

The Light of the World

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: The Gospel Of John Topic: Expository Scripture: John 8:12–30

December 8, 2019

Surprising Grace and Greed

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: Messengers of God Topic: Expository Scripture: 2 Kings 5:1–27

December 6, 2019

Expect Rejection

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: The Gospel Of John Topic: Expository Scripture: John 7:1–52

November 29, 2019

Hope for Failed Evangelists

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: The Gospel Of John Topic: Expository Scripture: John 6:1–71

November 24, 2019

God's Compassion in Our Desperation

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: Messengers of God Topic: Expository Scripture: 2 Kings 4:1–44

November 22, 2019

Like Father, Like Son

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: The Gospel Of John Topic: Expository Scripture: John 5:19–47

November 17, 2019

The Word of Life and Judgment

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: Messengers of God Topic: Expository Scripture: 2 Kings 2:1–25

November 15, 2019

How Not to Respond to Jesus

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: The Gospel Of John Topic: Expository Scripture: John 4:43– 5:18

November 8, 2019

How to Grow Your Church

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Congregationalism Topic: Topical Scripture: Ephesians 4:1–16

November 3, 2019

Who's in Charge Around Here?

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Congregationalism Topic: Topical Scripture: Matthew 16:13–20

November 1, 2019

Who's in Charge Around Here?

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Congregationalism Topic: Topical Scripture: Matthew 16:13–20

October 27, 2019

Practice Good or Practice Evil

Preacher: Ben Zamora Series: 2-3 John Topic: Expository Scripture: 3 John 1:9–15

October 25, 2019

The Savior of the World

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: The Gospel Of John Topic: Expository Scripture: John 4:1–42

October 20, 2019

The Testimony of Truth and Love

Series: 2-3 John Topic: Expository Scripture: 3 John 1:1–8

October 18, 2019

Joy Made Complete

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: The Gospel Of John Topic: Expository Scripture: John 3:22–36

October 13, 2019

Walk in Truth

Preacher: Billypaul Owere Series: 2-3 John Topic: Expository Scripture: 2 John 1:1–13

October 11, 2019

You Must Be Born Again

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: The Gospel Of John Topic: Expository Scripture: John 3:1–21

October 6, 2019

Is There No God in Israel?

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Messengers of God Topic: Expository Scripture: 2 Kings 1:1–18

October 4, 2019

The Lord of the Temple

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: The Gospel Of John Topic: Expository Scripture: John 2:13–25

September 29, 2019

The Exceeding Sinfulness of Sin

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Messengers of God Topic: Expository Scripture: 1 Kings 21:1–29

September 27, 2019

The Heavenly Wine-Maker

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: The Gospel Of John Topic: Expository Scripture: John 2:1–11

September 22, 2019

What Are You Doing Here, Elijah?

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Messengers of God Topic: Expository Scripture: 1 Kings 19:1–21

September 20, 2019

Discovering Jesus

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: The Gospel Of John Topic: Expository Scripture: John 1:35–51

September 15, 2019

Yahweh vs. Baal

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Messengers of God Topic: Expository Scripture: 1 Kings 18:1–46

September 13, 2019

I Am Not the Christ

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: The Gospel Of John Topic: Expository Scripture: John 1:19–34

September 8, 2019

Introducing Elijah

Preacher: Bob Von Bargen Series: Messengers of God Topic: Expository Scripture: 1 Kings 17:1–24

September 6, 2019

In the Beginning

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: The Gospel Of John Topic: Expository Scripture: John 1:1–18

August 23, 2019

Why Do the Innocent Suffer?

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Hidden Treasures Topic: Expository Scripture: Job 1:1– 42:17

August 16, 2019

The Mysterious Music of Love

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Hidden Treasures Topic: Expository Scripture: Song of Solomon 1:1– 8:14

August 9, 2019

The Return of the King

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Hidden Treasures Topic: Expository Scripture: 1 Chronicles 1:1– 29:30, 2 Chronicles 1:1– 36:23

August 2, 2019

Bringing Down the Eagle

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: Hidden Treasures Topic: Expository Scripture: Obadiah 1:1–21

July 26, 2019

Chasing the Wind

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: Hidden Treasures Topic: Expository Scripture: Ecclesiastes 1:1– 11:14

July 19, 2019

Strength for a Little While

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: Expats in This World Topic: Expository Scripture: 1 Peter 5:5–14

July 12, 2019

Shepherds for God's Flock

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Expats in This World Topic: Expository Scripture: 1 Peter 5:1–4

July 5, 2019

Celebrate Suffering

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Expats in This World Topic: Expository Scripture: 1 Peter 4:12–19

June 30, 2019

Lukewarm Christianity

Preacher: Nigussie Yadete Series: The Seven Churches in Revelation Topic: Expository Scripture: Revelation 3:14–22

June 28, 2019

Leave Behind and Look Ahead

Preacher: Jonathan G Series: Expats in This World Topic: Expository Scripture: 1 Peter 4:1–11

June 23, 2019

The Rewards of Perseverance

Preacher: Anwar Sawaya Series: The Seven Churches in Revelation Topic: Expository Scripture: Revelation 3:7–13

June 21, 2019

Victory in Defeat

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Expats in This World Topic: Expository Scripture: 1 Peter 3:18–22

June 16, 2019

The Zombie Church

Preacher: Sam Marrero Series: The Seven Churches in Revelation Topic: Expository Scripture: Revelation 3:1–6

June 14, 2019

Unity and Righteousness in Tough Times

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Expats in This World Topic: Expository Scripture: 1 Peter 3:8–17

June 9, 2019

Love and Tolerance

Preacher: Billypaul Owere Series: The Seven Churches in Revelation Topic: Expository Scripture: Revelation 2:18–29

June 7, 2019

Submission and Honour in Marriage

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: Expats in This World Topic: Expository Scripture: 1 Peter 3:1–7

June 2, 2019

Endurance without Compromise

Preacher: Pride Tanyara Series: The Seven Churches in Revelation Topic: Expository Scripture: Revelation 2:12–17

May 31, 2019

Called to Unjust Suffering

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Expats in This World Topic: Expository Scripture: 1 Peter 2:18–25

May 26, 2019

Faithful Unto Death

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: The Seven Churches in Revelation Topic: Expository Scripture: Revelation 2:8–11

May 24, 2019

Christian Politics

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Expats in This World Topic: Expository Scripture: 1 Peter 2:11–17

May 19, 2019

First Love

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: The Seven Churches in Revelation Topic: Expository Scripture: Revelation 1:9– 2:7

May 17, 2019

A New Temple, A New People

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Expats in This World Topic: Expository Scripture: 1 Peter 2:4–10

May 12, 2019

Turning Points

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: Hope in Hard Times Topic: Expository Scripture: Haggai 2:10–23

May 10, 2019

Saved for Holiness and Love

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Expats in This World Topic: Expository Scripture: 1 Peter 1:13– 2:3

May 5, 2019

Keep Building The House!

Preacher: Jonathan G Series: Hope in Hard Times Topic: Expository Scripture: Haggai 2:1–9

May 3, 2019

Expat Joy

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: Expats in This World Topic: Expository Scripture: 1 Peter 1:1–12

April 28, 2019

Build the House!

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Hope in Hard Times Topic: Expository Scripture: Haggai 1:1–15

April 26, 2019

Building a House for God's Glory

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Exodus: Saved and Set Apart Topic: Expository Scripture: Exodus 36:8– 40:38

April 21, 2019

Burning Hearts

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Topic: Easter Scripture: Luke 24:13–35

April 21, 2019

Believing is Seeing

Preacher: Curt Romig Topic: Easter Scripture: John 20:1–31

April 19, 2019

A Ransom for Many

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Topic: Easter Scripture: Mark 10:32–45

April 14, 2019

Living as God's Chosen People

Preacher: Jonathan G Series: Colossians: Christ Above All Topic: Expository Scripture: Colossians 3:18– 4:6

April 12, 2019

God's Building Fund

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Exodus: Saved and Set Apart Topic: Expository Scripture: Exodus 35:1– 36:7

April 7, 2019

Walking in Obedience

Preacher: Pride Tanyara Series: Colossians: Christ Above All Topic: Expository Scripture: Colossians 3:1–17

April 5, 2019


Preacher: Curt Romig Series: Exodus: Saved and Set Apart Topic: Expository Scripture: Exodus 34:29–35

March 31, 2019

Complete in Christ Jesus

Preacher: Nigussie Yadete Series: Colossians: Christ Above All Topic: Expository Scripture: Colossians 2:6–23

March 29, 2019

The Glory of God

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Exodus: Saved and Set Apart Topic: Expository Scripture: Exodus 33:7– 34:28

March 24, 2019

Joy in Suffering for the Gospel

Preacher: Billypaul Owere Series: Colossians: Christ Above All Topic: Expository Scripture: Colossians 1:24– 2:5

March 22, 2019

What's Your Golden Calf?

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Exodus: Saved and Set Apart Topic: Expository Scripture: Exodus 32:1– 33:6

March 17, 2019

The Supremacy of Christ

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Colossians: Christ Above All Topic: Expository Scripture: Colossians 1:15–23

March 15, 2019

God Dwelling Among Us

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Exodus: Saved and Set Apart Topic: Expository Scripture: Exodus 25:1– 31:11

March 10, 2019

Gospel Growth

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: Colossians: Christ Above All Topic: Expository Scripture: Colossians 1:1–14

March 8, 2019

Covenant Confirmed

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Exodus: Saved and Set Apart Topic: Expository Scripture: Exodus 24:1–18

March 3, 2019

The Joy of Redemption

Preacher: Pride Tanyara Series: Ruth: From Ruin to Redemption Topic: Expository Scripture: Ruth 4:1–22

March 1, 2019

Casting Out the Canaanites

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Exodus: Saved and Set Apart Topic: Expository Scripture: Exodus 23:20–33

February 24, 2019

The Risk of Redemption

Preacher: Billypaul Owere Series: Ruth: From Ruin to Redemption Topic: Expository Scripture: Ruth 3:1–18

February 22, 2019

Rhythms for Worship

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: Exodus: Saved and Set Apart Topic: Expository Scripture: Exodus 23:10–19

February 17, 2019

God's Provision Through Faithful Saints

Preacher: Ben Zamora Series: Ruth: From Ruin to Redemption Topic: Expository Scripture: Ruth 2:1–23

February 15, 2019

Cultivating a Christ-like Culture

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Exodus: Saved and Set Apart Topic: Expository Scripture: Exodus 22:16– 23:9

February 10, 2019

When Life Falls Apart

Preacher: Jonathan G Series: Ruth: From Ruin to Redemption Topic: Expository Scripture: Ruth 1:1–22

February 8, 2019

A Righteous Society

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Exodus: Saved and Set Apart Topic: Expository Scripture: Exodus 21:33– 22:15

February 1, 2019

Knowing Christ

Preacher: Godwin Sathianathan Topic: Topical Scripture: Philippians 3:1–11

January 27, 2019

The Day of the Lord

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Godly Waiting: 2 Peter Topic: Expository Scripture: 2 Peter 3:1–18

January 25, 2019

Slavery and Death

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Exodus: Saved and Set Apart Topic: Expository Scripture: Exodus 21:1–32

January 20, 2019

Warning: Wolves Among You

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: Godly Waiting: 2 Peter Topic: Expository Scripture: 2 Peter 2:1–22

January 18, 2019

Love Your Neighbor

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Exodus: Saved and Set Apart Topic: Expository Scripture: Exodus 20:12–17

January 13, 2019

Something More Certain

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Godly Waiting: 2 Peter Topic: Expository Scripture: 2 Peter 1:16–21

January 11, 2019

Love the Lord Your God

Preacher: Jeramie Rinne Series: Exodus: Saved and Set Apart Topic: Expository Scripture: Exodus 20:1–11, Genesis 20:18–26

January 6, 2019

Growing in Godliness

Preacher: Curt Romig Series: Godly Waiting: 2 Peter Topic: Expository Scripture: 2 Peter 1:1–15

January 4, 2019

Kingdom of PriestsĀ 

Preacher: Aubrey Sequeira Series: Exodus: Saved and Set Apart Topic: Expository Scripture: Exodus 19:1–25